Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Do little things with lots of love

If I'm enjoying this time here in Africa, I'm in a really good place.
If I'm enduring this time in Africa, I'm also in a really good place.
I must say that I am both.

These past few months have been the most stretching time I have had in a long while. Let me share a few details that will help give illustration to that statement:

In this last week alone, the following things have happened to me:

1 My camera broke

2 The ATM machine swallowed my credit card (don't worry, I got it back..the next about a nervous night)

3 I have been swarmed by mobs of sweaty, dirty kids more than the entire time I have been here, kids that like to jerk arms and legs, pull hair, spit, punch, slap and etc. etc. etc.

4) I have bruises, scrapes and cuts ALLLL over my body in various places, some I don't even know how I got.

5) I tried for 4 days in a row to get on the internet to check my bank account, send emails and other stuff, and each time I walked into the computer place, I was greeted with a shaking head (which means the internet connection is down)...

This is just some of the stuff that has happened.

Before this week though, my ipod was stolen, and I borrowed a friends ipod touch, which was also stolen because I left it on our front porch. So I am responsible for 2new ipods. AHHHH

Every day that I am tested and tried, I have a choice to make. I have felt like crying almost every day this week. But it's my choice to act on that, or to just do the complete opposite thing and just laugh. That second choice goes against every fiber of every emotion in me.

Every day that has stretched me, I have overcome by just laughing. I would much rather be happy than be angry. I know my Father and He always takes care of me. I know that everything is all going to work out. So when stuff like the above happens, I have started to just find it funny. It's been a real blessing to know that He has shaped my character so much in just 2 months that I could go from being anxious and freaking out to just laughing.

When I have a frustrating day, I just laugh. And I know that the next day will be better. But then......the next day is just like the last. It's frustrating and trying AGAIN. So I smile and choose to be positive, thinking the next day will be It's frustrating. That has been my week. Every day.

But my Father has given me a gift. It is the gift of His presence, in me and around me, every day, all the time. And all that comes with it. All the fruits of the Holy Spirit. He has poured so much grace on me to endure, but not only to endure. He has given me grace to soar. Nothing can seperate me from the love of Christ. Even little trials like I have faced here. So why let stuff like this bring me down? I have every reason in the world to be full of joy, hope and peace at every second of every day.

Anyway, I know there is a reason He chose to bring me here. And I am so glad I obeyed Him. He has taught me so much, and grown me so much. I can't imagine what would have happened if I had said no to this. Some days I look out at the ocean (which you can see from wherever you are on the base) and I think I can't believe I almost didn't come here. Wow, what a journey it has been.

So.......a little more than 2 weeks left. I'm so excited to come home. And I know I am bringing with me SO much. See yall then!

PS.---the title of this blog has nothing to do with the content :) It's just something Heidi said in class the other day. And I had no title. So there you go. :)

Friday, July 1, 2011


I can't believe it! My first month in Africa is complete. What a crazy whirlwind experience. My weekend outreach has been one of the highlights. Showing the Jesus film in remote mountain villages, going around from house to house praying for the sick and oppressed, and loving on hearts that need Jesus. All ages.

I've had many other experiences as well, and hundreds of stories building up in my heart that I can't wait to tell. Here are a few:

I have been making great friends among the Mozambican pastors. These young men are incredible. When I was 17 I read Rolland and Heidi's book 'Always Enough'. In this book there are many stories about the children they found and rescued from extremely horrific circumstances. I have actually had the opportunity to meet several of these children who are now no longer children! Yesterday I met a young man around 26 or 27 whose name is Ernesto. He is in the book! He was resuced when he was 12 years old off the streets. I read his story when I was 17 and wept. Meeting him face to face, is such a picture of the LOVE of God! We talked for about half an hour sitting at a little cafe called Tropical. He is just beaming with life and hope. He's going to school and then going to be an evangelist.

Mozambique has only just recovered in the last 4 or 6 years from the decades of war and natural disaster that went on for years. One day a few weeks ago I was on a boat ride and one of the Mozambicans who was rowing it looked around at the ocean and then started smiling and he looked at me and said 'Now the war is over and we are free. Now Jesus is in Mozambique.' It blessed my heart so much!

The other day I made a peanut butter and jam sandwich on one of our leftover breakfast rolls for my lunch. (Rice and beans get a little monotonous) So I went out on to the back porch to eat it when I felt like God was telling me to just pause for a moment. So I did, and I heard 'When was the last time you actually thanked God for your meal' And honestly, I don't remember ever thanking the Lord for my meals. We always pray before dinner and everything, but when I bow my head I do it out of routine and it never even crosses my mind that GOD HAS GIVEN ME DAILY BREAD. God has provided for my needs. And as I sat there looking at my sandwich I said 'THANK YOU, LORD'. And felt so much thankfulness welling up inside me. I'm so used to always eating, and when you grow up in a culture where there is always an over abundance, you just expect there to be lots of food all the time. It never occurs to you that the LORD has given this. He has provided for me. It made me sad that I have lived for 21 years and never even thought about the Lord who is my provider and sustainer and who gives me daily bread. In my case, way more than just my daily bread. He has blessed me so much.

I'm out of time for now, but I will try to get back and write another post as soon as I can. One month to go! Love you all and see you in August! :)