
This little girl changed my life.

A little 11 year old girl named Memona. God used Memona to mold my heart. He took out things that were never meant to be there, and put in things that were always supposed to. He grew my heart so big I thought it would explode with love.

As Memona and I walked on the beach together almost every day, I saw how all my fear and worry was nothing. As I visited her and her mother and brothers and sisters in their humble little dirt home, I saw how much the LORD truly loves. He is our Provider. He will never forsake His children. I saw the faithfulness of God. I felt His nearness, His closeness. I learned how well He takes care of His children.

One day Memona and I took a walk on the huge dock that jets out into the ocean. Then we climbed down the rocks on the side (shhhh, don't tell) and sat together looking at the water. Memona's sad eyes had begun to brighten more and more every day and with every amount of time we spent together. In her I saw myself when I was her age. Quiet, longing for affirmation and love, and at the same time, smart, fiesty and adventurous. But this little girl had grown up much different than I. Her father left. Her mother is making it, but barely. She can't afford to go to school, and the other kids are mean to her. She wore the same 2 shirts the entire time I was there, and no shoes. This day as we sat on the rocks I made her laugh. Teaching her how to walk like a model and pose for pictures. How to dance. The rocks were alive and swarming with sea-life: crabs, shells, fish, and all of a sudden a HUGE, ENORMOUS EEL jets up from the rock next to me and slithers lightning fast around our feet. I jump up and scream, and Memona breaks out into laughter. Loud, pure, from-your-stomach laughter. She laughed the rest of the day, with tears in her eyes. She will remember that memory forever.

We went to the beach together almost every day. Some days I dragged her into the water to go swimming, and held her close as we rode the waves. Other days we walked arm-in-arm down the shore.

One day we went and sat down on the rocks, and I started singing. I sang probably 15 worship songs that just popped into my head one after the other. Memona sat there the whole time staring out at the ocean and eventually fell asleep. I felt all my doubt wash away. Doubt that He was really going to take care of me. It all washed away. I was immsersed in the love of the Father as He allowed me to love this beautiful treasure and to watch her cold heart open. Memona doesn't talk much, and she also doesn't smile much. By the end of my time in Mozambique, I had her laughing and dancing with me almost every day. It was beautiful to watch. She is a beloved princess and I cannot tell you how much GOD LOVES HER. God let me feel His love for this girl and it overwhelmed me. My own worries were nothing. When has God ever failed me? When has he forsaken me or left me on my own? When has He not been faithful? NEVER.