
At the age of 17 the LORD began to awaken my heart and dream with me. This blog is the fulfillment of one of those dreams.

"LOVE — It is a small four-letter word that will cost you everything:
laying down your life, passion and compassion, giving without expecting, feeling His very heartbeat and surrendering to His rhythm, and following the Lamb wherever He goes, even to Mozambique.

"There is a new breed of missionaries being released across the earth, transparent saints, with oversized hearts, beating in rhythm with the heart of their Bridegroom King Jesus, carrying His glory across the earth. Fearless, laid-down lovers that know a love that has no boundaries, and are ready to run into the darkest places of the earth and bring in the lost, the dying, the poor and the broken. Jesus came with ceaseless love for both the one and the masses. Now we must do the same: stop for the one, but believe for the multitudes." -taken from Iris Harvest School webpage

This blog is for my friends, family, supporters and anyone else who wants to stay in touch and updated on my life and the adventures the Lord and I are taking together! Thank you for stopping in!