Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 3

Well after 2 days of traveling and 2 days adjusting I am finally sitting down at the internet cafe to write this post.

I don't even know how to start! absolutely crazy. It is beautiful but trying me and stretching me at every second. So many times I have already asked myself "Why did I come here again?"

It's hard to take a shower. The shower floor is about as big as a medium cardboard box. The rod for the curtain is squared which means I have to slide each ring one by one around the corner until the curtain is closed. The water is cold and I only have 2 minutes to shower.

It's hard to sleep. I am on the top bunk and I have to fling my mosquito net over my head to get in bed. My sheets ar covered with sand and grit that I somehow always drag into bed despite brushing off my feet..and my mattress is slanted so I always feel like about to roll off. We only have one small floor fan which of course is on the floor..LOL. So it is crazy hot at night.

It's hard to walk. I'm constantly dripping in sweat which is very uncomfortable when I'm wearing a skirt down to my ankles.

It's hard to brush my teeth with a water bottle, and it's hard to remember not to throw the toilet paper in the toilet (already messed up several times..that was gross) and it's hard to remember to bring my silverware and water to all my meals.......

So now that I've written about how hard it is, I will just say.......all of that is nothing compared to stuff like this:

Laughing with the Mozambicans at meals while we teach them words in English and they teach us words in Portuguese.

Climbing up and down steep hills carrying a cute little African on each hip...this is a great workout by the way :)

Sitting out on the porch with so many beautiful people from all different countries, laughing at all the different accents

Getting wrecked by Jesus.

More to come whenever I can get back to the internet cafe!!


1 comment:

  1. Oh how I love this. I was praying for you last night and this morning, and now again. Jesus bless you, mercy, peace, and a spirit of adventure be poured into your heart, with boldness... preach His word love :)
