Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I'm Home!!!

Now that my journey is over, I am going to post some of my journal entries from my time in Mozambique. Here's the first batch. More to come!!

Today God told me "Go low, Hannah." So I tried to do that today, and I know He meant for me to live that way while I'm here, and for the rest of my life. I've only been here for 2 days and I feel like I've been here forever. I think I'm already getting used to it even though it's still really tough doing normal, practical things that I usually never have a problem with, that usually come like second nature. Ughh. It's really hard. But I feel like in a week or so I should be totally adjusted. I can do this. I really can. Jesus is worth it. .....I'm ready. My heart is just so full of anticipation. I'm so ready to find out what God's planning. I love this life! I have no idea what's about to happen. Things are about to get crazy! Lord, break me, wreck me, turn me inside out and upside down. I know that's a dangerous prayer. But there's no other way to shake this earth with your glory. Father, here I am. Mark me and call me, lead me and guide me. And I pray for the man you want to bring me to. LEAD him, perfectly Lord. You are in control, come have your way. This is all for you, I love you Jesus!

I love how everywhere you go, people are people. It's so funny. People are the same. I love it. ......I think it's hilarious that whenever we have fish with our rice, they just stick a dead fish on top of the rice. It's cooked, but they don't skin it or behead it or anything, it's just a fish sittign there on my rice, with fins and a head and a tail, all scaly and full of bones, and its just looking up at me, and that's my dinner. It cracks me up. :)

God has been speaking so much to me. I did my part - I obeyed Him. And He is doing His. He is speaking to me and leading me. I came here and that was my part to play. It was my step to take. My thing was to just jump in. And I did it. Trembling, but I jumped anyway. No turning back, I've made up my mind. I'm giving all of my life this time. I was so blessed sitting out on the front porch of another house tonight with 4 or 5 girls I barely even knew and just singing our hearts out to Jesus with a guitar. We worshiped for hours. It was so beautiful. Just girls. There was so much power and authority in our song, especially when we were all singing melody, it got louder and it was just so powerful. It's the song of the warrior princess. "Your love makes it worth it, your love makes it worth it, your love makes it worth it all." I am going to fulfill my destiny. I am going to live out this story. Not someone else's. MINE. MY STORY. I'M GOING TO ANSWER THE CALL OF GOD ON MY LIFE. I am destined for greatness. I am royalty.

I just have to remind myself that I'm just here to give myself away. So I'm going to be sweaty, I'm going to be dirty, and there's gonna be dirty hands in my hair and grabbing my arms and touching my face and vying for my attention ALL the TIME. So when I start to feel like I can't take it anymore
I just need to close my eyes and remember why I'm here. Jesus would give and give until he DRAINED HIMSELF DRY. So I need to do the same. Come on Hannah. Just be sweaty for 2 months. Just stop caring what you look like because it's not about you. Just lay down your life. Just keep on going. Lower still. "Come up here to the lowest place."

This is a place I Never imagined I would go. AFRICA? Like, why Africa? Why on earth would I go there? The Lord called me to come away on a great adventure when I was 16, and adventure involves going places you never expected. That's why it's an adventure. Yesterday while I was snorkeling, looking at all the beautiful fish and coral of the Indian ocean, I kept getting hit with this wave of wonder. Like, wow! Who would have thought I would be here! Jesus had and has such amazing plans for me! He takes me to incredible places, not only physically in the earth but in my heart. He does so much to my heart. Jesus is the only person I have ever and will ever know that has SUCH an amazing incredible impact in my life. Not only an impact, but a radical, transforming, reformation of my life!!!! NO ONE ELSE has done such amazing works. Hallelujah, God you have done great things!!!

We had such a beautiful time today washing the feet of our Mozambican pastors and having our own feet washed by them. When I washed one man's feet, he broke down weeping and kept weeping for a long while after. These pastors were all weeping! It was so beautiful. They are amazing. The love of Christ is amazing. It really blessed me so much. It was so unifying. They are poor, but they are SO rich. THEY ARE SO RICH. Oh Jesus, let me learn from the Mozambicans.

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